FREE One Hour Consultation!

Whack-A-Mole is not a business strategy!

Running a business is like playing whack-a-mole with your to-do list. Just when you think you’ve hammered down one pain point, three more pop up!

Do you have one or more of these symptoms?


Priority Dilution: Are you so busy all the time? Everything is a priority therefore NOTHING gets done. This is the “Spin Cycle” that can suck your business into a death spiral. WHACK!

Crisis Mode: Substituting priorities with constant emergencies. This is not only dangerous to the future of your business it’s a killer to you and your employees. WHACK!
Shiny Object Syndrome: You’ve tried every type of sponsorship, advertising or marketing vehicle. You desperately need a sales strategy, so you jump to something new and shiny – a “Hail Mary” to pull you out of your spiral. WHACK!
Poor Organization Skills: Some people are more organized than others. Are you embarrassed to have people see your work area, how often are you unable to find something you need? WHACK!
Failure to Prioritize: It’s essential in order to be proactive and plan ahead. A person who has not prioritized leaves the door open for someone else to do it by proxy. Sobering but true. WHACK!
Failure to Delegate: There are managers and leaders who have a deep-seated resistance to delegation. Perfectionists can resist delegation because they want the job done perfectly. Being busy is not the same as being effective. Whack!

Are your arms tired from pounding away with that puffy hammer?

Are you getting whiplash snapping your head in different directions? Is team morale at an all time low?

We Understand What You’re Going Through!!



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We service the entire Phoenix area including:

Tempe, AZ
Gilbert, AZ
Scottsdale, AZ
Chandler, AZ
Queen Creek, AZ
Mesa, AZ

Call (480) 499-3109

We service the entire Tucson & Pima County area including:

Oro Valley, AZ
Marana, AZ
Vail, AZ
Sahuarita, AZ
Green Valley, AZ
Catalina, AZ